OTP Vault (Mobile Challenge Writeup) -- Nahamcon CTF 2022
NahamCom 2022 was a free virtual security conference Hosted by STOK, John Hammond and NahamSec. Very good experience with all possible challenge categories, nice challenge and very good infrastructure and support through the discord channel.
In this opportunity we will solve a challenge of the Mobile (Android) category which is called OTP Vault.
Challenges Description:

We were given a file to download (source here)
We use apktool to reverse engineering the APK file.
└─$ apktool d -f OTPVault.apk
I: Using Apktool 2.5.0-dirty on OTPVault.apk
I: Loading resource table...
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: /home/leonuz/.local/share/apktool/framework/1.apk
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Baksmaling classes.dex...
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Copying unknown files...
I: Copying original files...
└─$ cd OTPVault
└─$ ls
AndroidManifest.xml apktool.yml assets kotlin lib original res smali unknown
We do a complete search for keyword “flag” inside the new directory, and we get inside the assets
directory this particular file index.android.bundle
It took us a while to go through this code, but near the end of the file we got this function.
function O(){var n;(0,e.default)(this,O);for(var o=arguments.length,u=new Array(o),l=0;l<o;l++)u[l]=arguments[l];return(n=b.call.apply(b,[this].concat(u))).state={output:'Insert your OTP to unlock your vault',text:''},n.s='JJ2XG5CIMFRWW2LOM4',n.url='http://congon4tor.com:7777',n.token='652W8NxdsHFTorqLXgo=',n.getFlag=function(){var e,o;return t.default.async(function(u){for(;;)switch(u.prev=u.next){case 0:return u.prev=0,e={headers:{Authorization:'Bearer KMGQ0YTYgIMTk5Mjc2NzZY4OMjJlNzAC0WU2DgiYzE41ZDwN'}},u.next=4,t.default.awrap(p.default.get(n.url+"/flag",e));case 4:o=u.sent,n.setState({output:o.data.flag}),u.next=12;break;case 8:u.prev=8,u.t0=u.catch(0),console.log(u.t0),n.setState({output:'An error occurred getting the flag'});
we use this JavaScript Beutifier to read that part of the code
function O() {
var n;
(0, e.default)(this, O);
for (var o = arguments.length, u = new Array(o), l = 0; l < o; l++) u[l] = arguments[l];
return (n = b.call.apply(b, [this].concat(u))).state = {
output: 'Insert your OTP to unlock your vault',
text: ''
}, n.s = 'JJ2XG5CIMFRWW2LOM4', n.url = 'http://congon4tor.com:7777', n.token = '652W8NxdsHFTorqLXgo=', n.getFlag = function() {
var e, o;
return t.default.async(function(u) {
for (;;) switch (u.prev = u.next) {
case 0:
return u.prev = 0, e = {
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer KMGQ0YTYgIMTk5Mjc2NzZY4OMjJlNzAC0WU2DgiYzE41ZDwN'
}, u.next = 4, t.default.awrap(p.default.get(n.url + "/flag", e));
case 4:
o = u.sent, n.setState({
output: o.data.flag
}), u.next = 12;
case 8:
u.prev = 8, u.t0 = u.catch(0), console.log(u.t0), n.setState({
output: 'An error occurred getting the flag'
Everything looks like the flag is obtained from the web server that uses the basic bearer authorization.
We then proceed to build a request with curl.
└─$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer KMGQ0YTYgIMTk5Mjc2NzZY4OMjJlNzAC0WU2DgiYzE41ZDwN" -X GET http://congon4tor.com:7777/flag
And we get the flag!
Thanks NahamCon for the excellent CTF.
For fun and knowledge, always think out of the box! :)